習,薄止 ---- 3/3 Mr. Xi Jin-ping’s father, Xi Zhong-xun, was the vice president of PRC from 1959 to 1965. However, there was another star Mr. Bo Xilai whose father, Bo Yibo, has been the vice president of 西裝外套PRC even longer from 1954 to 1982. Another interesting point is Bo was the Minister of Commerce (MOFCOM) from 2 小型辦公室004 to 2007. It, along with China’s fast economic growth, is a strategic position to get to the final goal. He failed finally. Xi was appo 小型辦公室inted as the vice Chair of PRC in 2008 and the vice chair of the CCP Central Military Commission in 2010. What happened during 2006 -2008? We may compare the exper 西裝外套iences of Xi and Bo respectively we can find four things; 1. Xi’s main local experiences were around pan Shanghai area, while Bo’s are around Manchuria. Though the last wars of CCP-K 個人信貸MT started from Manchuria, Shanghai’s economic power is even more important. 2. Bo entered the central authorities in 1997, which is 10 years earlier than Xi’s 2007. 3. Bo has been the Minister of Comme 酒店打工rce for 3 years. He enjoyed the economic boom. 4. While Xi was recruited into Beijing Bo was demoted to inner province Sichuan as a city mayor. These may lead to a possible scenario that Xi’s is in Jiang’s clan. (This needs to be 票貼 confirmed by readers) We may recall that Deng Xiao-ping designated his successors for two generations. The Deng appointed Jiang Ze-min in 13th National Assembly of CCP in 1989. But he soon designated Hu Jin-tao in 14th National Assembly in Octo 房屋買賣ber 1992.[1] Deng deprived Jiang’s personnel power in order to minimize possible political dispute after his death. As an elder of a tribal society, Deng was right. However, Deng could not foresee what China would be 10 or more years after his death. Deng was wrong in a moder 租辦公室n society. And we all heard the rumors that Jiang, in fact, not so agree with Hu. Now Jiang, a hard liner, is taking back his personnel power he had lost 10 year ago? 【關鍵詞】薄一波、薄熙來、習仲勛、習近平 [1] http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/3/10/14/n393719.htm,accessed on 2010/10/20 澎湖民宿  .

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